- Abschlusskosten
- Closing costs are the expenses, over and above the price of the property, that buyers and sellers normally incur to complete a real estate transaction. Costs incurred may include loan origination fees, discount points, appraisal fees, title searches, title insurance, surveys, taxes, deed-recording fees and credit report charges. Prepaid costs are those that recur over time, such as property taxes and homeowners' insurance. The lender is required by law to state these costs in a "good faith estimate" within three days of a home loan application.
- Angebot
- This is the initial price offered by a prospective buyer to the seller. A seller may accept the offer, reject it, or counter with a different offer.
- Angebotspreis
- Der Preis, zu dem der Verkäufer seine Immobilie zum Verkauf anbietet
- Annehmlichkeiten
- Certain features of a property or features of the area which increase a property's value.
- Anzahlung
- Amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller on exchange of contracts in order to secure a property. Also known as Down Payment .
- Bewertung
- Eine schriftliche Begründung für den Preis, der für eine Immobilie gezahlt wird, basiert hauptsächlich auf einer Analyse von vergleichbare Verkäufe ähnlicher Immobilien in der Nähe.
- Bewertung
- A written justification of the price paid for a property conducted by a professional, primarily based on an analysis of comparable sales of similar homes nearby.
- Gutachter
- An individual qualified by education, training, and experience to estimate the value of real property and personal property. Although some appraisers work directly for mortgage lenders, most are independent.
- Hauspreisindex
- Statistical method of representing changes in house prices over time.
- Immobilienmakler
- A real estate agent is a professional with a real estate license and assists both buyers and sellers in the home-buying process.
- Kommission
- Zahlbar Gebühr an einen Immobilienmakler, in der Regel eines Prozentsatz des Kaufpreises, für die Bereitstellung von bestimmten Dienstleistungen im Zusammenhang mit der Transaktion.
- Mehrere Agentur
- Where two or more estate agents are instructed by a seller to market a property. Only the agent who introduces a successful purchaser is paid.
- Mieter
- Person (or entity) who is entitled to occupy a property under the terms of a Tenancy Agreement.
- Unter Angebot
- Status of a property from the point at which a seller has accepted an offer until exchange of contracts.
- Vergleichbare Verkäufe
- Kürzlich erzielte Verkäufe ähnlicher Immobilien in nahe gelegenen Gebieten und zur Ermittlung des Marktwerts einer Immobilie. Auch bezeichnet als „Comps“.
- Vermieter
- The owner of property that is leased to others. A landlord is seen as a custodian of the property and is responsible for collecting rent.